Government consultation on Relationships and Sex Education: HERE The consultation is open until 7th November 2018
EVAW Coalition draft response to the consultation: HERE
Last year the law was changed to make Relationships and Sex Education (‘RSE’) compulsory in all schools in England.
The Government is now consulting on a ‘Draft RSE Guidance’ document which sets out what all schools should cover in these lessons.
We believe it is woefully inadequate – it is not what was promised – it gives a green light to schools to pick and choose what they will cover – and it is not solid enough on the different forms of violence against women and girls and their connection to women’s inequality.
The EVAW Coalition has drafted a detailed response to the consultation on the Draft Guidance. Please feel free to use any part of this for your own response. Please share this widely and encourage others to respond before the deadline on Wednesday 7 November.
Lots of different interest groups are going to be lobbying the Government – including some faith groups who would prefer anything related to abuse or sexuality was kept out of schools altogether.
It is important that the DfE hears the voices of survivors, women who work with survivors, those who do interventions in school, and women’s rights advocates. We need lots of people letting the Government know that their plans aren’t good enough.
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