Child sexual abuse survivors’ experiences must not be weaponised for racis...
Child sexual abuse and exploitation are deeply harmful forms of violence that are dispropo...

Operation Onyx reassessing hundreds of Met Police officers for abuse accusations...
The Met Police has today (6th April 2023) reported on the progress of Operation Onyx, in w...

Concerns vital Relationships & Sex Education review is based on contested c...
Following alarming headlines claiming ‘inappropriate content’ is being taught in schools, ...

Victims and Prisoners Bill won’t deliver what victims need
Violence against women and girls (VAWG) remains disturbingly present in the UK today. We k...

Don’t politicise Relationships, Sex & Health Education, 50+ VAWG experts wa...
Following recent headlines which have the potential to incite opposition to desperately ne...

Casey review exposes an institution in crisis, as police powers increase
Today (21st March 2023), the final report from Baroness Casey’s independent review into th...

National Police Chiefs’ Council highlights lack of accountability for poli...
A new report from the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) released today, 14th March 20...

2023 Write to End Violence Against Women Awards now open
Today on International Women’s Day (8th March 2023), the End Violence Against Women Coalit...

Latest snapshot report highlights urgent need for investment in prevention and s...
Accessible versions of the Snapshot report 2022-23 Download the Snapshot report here Downl...

Police decisions to take no action against Couzens allowed him to continue targe...
Today (14th February 2023), Wayne Couzens pleaded guilty to three counts of indecent expos...

Latest data shows highest number sexual offences on record, but our justice syst...
On 26th January 2023, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released its latest crime f...

Sexual harassment at school: new film co-created with young people supported by ...
A new survey by the End Violence Against Women Coalition (EVAW) finds 80% of girls think...

Probation Inspectorate finds catalogue of failings left killer free to attack Za...
Today (24th January 2023) HM Inspectorate of Probation has published its Independent Serio...

100,000 people call for the Online Safety Bill to address violence against women...
Update, 27th February 2023: Over 100,000 people have now signed our petition to end online...