Huge gang convicted of organised rapes of girls in Newcastle – response
In response to the conviction today (9 August) of 17 men and one woman for offences relate...

Alarming number of children excluded from school for ‘sexual misconduct’ – respo...
Responding to the publication today (9 August) of new Freedom of Information research by t...

EVAW Coalition – Bulletin, Summer 2017
New domestic violence legislation and commissioner Before the 8 June general election we w...

Join us at the Nasty Women UK Art Exhibition
In the aftermath of the US presidential campaign, which was characterised by a distinct la...

Reported sexual offences on trains double – EVAW response
Responding to the BBC 5 Live investigation into sexual harassment and sexual assaults on t...

Government commits to ratifying Istanbul Convention with new laws
Today the Home Secretary Amber Rudd announced more details about the domestic violence and...

Domestic violence and abuse legislation announced in Queen’s speech
We welcome measures announced in the Queen’s speech today introducing legislation to ‘prot...

Government work tackling violence against women must not slip
EVAW is asking the Prime Minister, and her Cabinet colleagues, to ensure that prominent el...

Party leaders’ response to questions from women’s groups on ending a...
Update: the Liberal Democrats responded to our letter after we published this statement. R...

#GE2017 – Response to Conservatives proposals on domestic violence
Responding to the Conservatives announcement today (29 May) that if elected on 8 June they...

#GE2017 – Party manifestos show ending violence against women & girls...
A broad coalition of women’s organisations working to end abuse of women in all its forms ...

#GE2017 – Labour Manifesto: EVAW welcomes ‘abuse commissioner’...
(16 May 2017) Labour and other manifestos published so far make wide range of commitments ...

#GE2017 – Party leaders asked for commitment to end violence against women...
Stubbornly high levels of domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, forced marriage and ...

EVAW Coalition – Bulletin, Spring 2017
Local elections 4 May 2017 – Putting VAWG on candidates’ agendas Are there elections where...