Open letter to Chancellor calls for Spending Review to address the needs of surv...
Update 18.10.2019: The Home Office has now responded to our letter and provided details as...

The “effective decriminalisation” of rape reflected in latest figure...
The Rape Monitoring Group figures released today are truly shocking. We are seeing the low...

Our major new survey reveals ‘sexist views on sex’
A new YouGov survey and report published today (23 August) finds that Many people think th...

EVAW encourages people to write to their MPs to demand justice in rape cases
Recent Home Office figures revealed that only one in 65 rape cases reported to the police ...

“Rape Effectively Decriminalised”: Women’s Coalition Demand Action f...
The End Violence Against Women Coalition (a coalition of over 80 specialist women’s organi...

Guardian Reveals Collapse in Rape Cases Ending up in Court
The front page exclusive of the Guardian today (Saturday 27 July) revealed only one in 65 ...

Domestic violence: new Bill does not address urgent need
Responding to the Government tabling the Domestic Violence Bill in Parliament today (16 Ju...

New report: Do Police and Crime Commissioners work for women and girls?
A new Briefing Paper published by EVAW today (11 July) finds that the 42 Police and Crime ...

Women’s Groups Write to Tory Leader Candidates
Over 30 women’s groups today (2 July 2019) wrote to Conservative Party leader candidates J...

EVAW’s response to the Online Harms Consultation
Today (26.06.19) the EVAW Coalition are sharing our response to Government’s Online ...

Review of image and online abuse laws is too little too late
The Ministry of Justice launched a Law Commission review of the Law around non-consensual ...

Bystanders must be supported to take action when they fear domestic abuse
Our Co-Director Sarah Green has today (24th June) signed a joint statement calling for all...

MPs call for more protection for women in Domestic Abuse Bill
In a report published today (14th June), the committee showed it had listened to the evide...

EVAW launches CrowdJustice appeal to fund legal challenge
You can support us by donating to and sharing our CrowdJustice appeal Women and girls acro...