Joint Statement from VAWG sector on Covid 19
Today (20th March) more than 10 key Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) organisations ...

We are “hugely disappointed” to be refused permission to pursue Judi...
(17 March 2020) A national coalition of women’s organisations, the End Violence Against Wo...

17 March 2020, High Court: EVAW faces CPS in court
Hearing follows dramatic revelation (15 March) that CPS concealed internal report on rape ...

Jill Saward’s legacy donates £10,000 to EVAW’s legal fund against CP...
The family of rape survivor and campaigner Jilll Saward have today (14 March) donated £10...

EVAW calls on Secretaries of State to intervene following police inspectorate re...
Today (13th March) the HMICFRS, the Inspectorate of the police published their report on t...

17 March: Rape Campaigners to face CPS in court & risk being forced to pay ...
A small women’s human rights charity today (10 March) launched a major CrowdJustice fundr...

#IWD2020: On racists co-opting feminist arguments
In 2020, feminism, from the sickly pink variety to the real deep red and black, has a prom...

For International Women’s Day: Women call for renewal of VAWG Strategy
Read the full letter here: FINAL letter to Home Secretary IWD 2020 In advance of Internati...

Domestic Abuse Bill re-introduced to Parliament
Today (3 march 2020) marks the return of a Domestic Abuse Bill to Parliament for its First...

Femicide Census reveals half of UK women killed by men die at hands of partner o...
The Femicide Census report published today (20.02.20) on UK femicides in 2018 finds men wh...

Cyber-Flashing on trains ‘largely unreported’ despite rise in incide...
Reports of cyber-flashing to British Transport Police (BTP) have almost doubled in a year...

Major child sexual abuse report: time for child-centred approach and end of ‘mot...
Responding to the publication today (4 February) of a major new joint report on the respon...

Women’s groups ask Attorney General to reject key rape inspection report
Letter to Attorney General EVAW Coalition Briefing on HMCPSI rape inspection Letter to the...

Office for Students launches consultation on Harassment & Sexual Misconduct...
Yesterday (15.01.20) the Office for Students (the independent regulator for higher educati...