Online abuse during Covid: Almost half of women have experienced abuse online du...
READ the full report here: Glitch and EVAW, The Ripple Effect, Online abuse during COVID-1...

Covid-19 & Justice for Women: Report lays out myriad issues & calls fo...
Leading women’s groups have today (14 August) published a short report on the numerous new...

Women’s Groups & Unions calls for suspension of the MP arrested for r...
EVAW has supported the call for the Conservative MP arrested for rape to face immediate su...

Court of Appeal grants permission for judicial review of CPS Rape Policy – women...
A historic decision at the Court of Appeal today (30 July) has overturned a High Court dec...

Rape Prosecutions: Women’s groups “appalled” at further fall in numbers, and hea...
New CPS rape figures released today show prosecutions have dropped by a third, with the lo...

EVAW calls for vigilance as girls return to schools
UPDATE: We have now (16.11.20) received a response from the Education Secretary, Gavin Wil...

EVAW submissions of evidence to Women and Equalities Select Committee Sub-Inquir...
The End Violence Against Women Coalition submitted evidence to the Women and Equalities Se...

Easing of Coronavirus Restrictions: Joint statement from Violence Against Women ...
In response to the Government introducing a gradual relaxation of coronavirus restrictions...

MPs to vote on the Domestic Abuse Bill Today
The Domestic Abuse Bill is set to have its third reading in the Commons today (06.07.20) w...

Debate on black women and domestic abuse in Parliament
Yesterday (30 June) saw Meg Hillier, Labour MP for Hackney South and Shoreditch, lead a de...

Our Judicial Review evidence against CPS handed over to Government

Major overhaul of family courts to protect abuse victims announced by Ministry o...
The Ministry of Justice has today (25.06.20) announced an overhaul of the way family court...

New ICO Report says consent from rape victims “too difficult” as ba...
The Information Commissioner’s Office report ‘Mobile phone data extraction by ...

‘Hidden Harms’ Action Plan: Recommendations from the Violence Against Women ...
Today (12.06.20) key organisations from the Violence Against Women & Girls sector laun...