VAWG Organisations write to Home Secretary about Safer Streets Funding concerns
On 18th June several specialist violence against women and girls (VAWG) organisations sent...

EVAW submits response to rape prosecution and investigation inquiry
The End Violence Against Women (EVAW) Coalition submitted evidence (on 17.06.21) to the Ho...

Leading women’s groups deeply disappointed with lack of ambition in Government’s...
A group of leading violence against women and girls (VAWG) organisations – EVAW, Imk...

Ofsted review on sexual abuse in schools and colleges: Almost all girls report a...
The review found 9 out of 10 girls had experienced sexist name calling and 92% of girls ha...

Nine years on, it’s time for the UK to ratify the Istanbul Convention
Today (8 June 2021) marks nine years since the UK signed the Istanbul Convention on preven...

EVAW and Faith and VAWG Coalition submit joint response to intimate image abuse ...
Intimate image abuse against women and girls, and other forms of online VAWG, is part of t...

Women’s Organisations Oppose Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill
As Committee Stage of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts (PCSC) Bill began on 18 May...

Queen’s Speech 2021: What does it mean for women and girls?
This week the Government’s legislative plans for the next year were announced in the...

Domestic Abuse Bill receives Royal Assent
After many years, the Domestic Abuse Bill is now the Domestic Abuse Act. Throughout the Ac...

VAWG Hustings for London Mayoral Election on 6 May 2021
On 21 April 2021, EVAW, Imkaan and the Women’s Resource Centre co-hosted the only Lo...

MPs to vote on protection for migrant women in Domestic Abuse Bill
Today (15.04.21) is the final chance for MPs to vote through amendments to the Domestic Ab...

EVAW calls for major action to tackle abuse in schools
UPDATE: We have now (05.05.21) received a response from Parliamentary Under-Secretary of S...

Domestic Abuse Bill back at the Commons: Please take action to protect Migrant W...
Step Up Migrant Women, a campaign led by the Latin American Women’s Rights Service and su...

Covid-19 Statement from VAWG Sector: One Year On
A year ago, several key umbrella organisations in the VAWG sector came together at the sta...