Following the many allegations of sexual harassment, sexualised bullying and sexual violence in the entertainment industry, in politics and across workplaces, the Women and Equalities Select Committee have launched an enquiry today.
They will look at:
- what Government and employers can do to change workplace culture, increase confidence to report problems, and make tackling harassment a higher priority
- how staff can be better protected from sexual harassment by clients, customers and others
- how effective and accessible tribunals and other legal routes are
- non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) in sexual harassment cases, and what can be done to prevent inappropriate use of NDAs.
This follows the announcement last week of new systems to address sexual harassment and abuse in Westminster, including independent support for victims and and external body to hear complaints. This means workers at Westminster could be set to get much better protections than people in the rest of the country. We hope this inquiry will show that more needs to be done to tackle endemic sexual harassment and that women in particular need much better protection.
Announcing the inquiry, Committee Chair, Maria Miller MP, said:
“Over the past few months there have been widespread reports of women’s appalling experiences of sexual harassment at work. Our recent evidence session with legal experts, employee and employers representatives painted a stark picture. Clearly much more needs to be done, both by Government and employers: this inquiry is about identifying solutions.”
The inquiry are asking for written for submissions by Tuesday 13 March 2018.
More information here
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