Today the Mayor of London launched ‘A Safer City for All Londoners’ – a Police and Crime plan for London 2017-2021.
Rachel Krys, co-director of End Violence Against Women Coalition said:
“We welcome the high priority given to tackling violence against women and girls in London. We hope that its implementation will lead to improvements in police responses to this high volume, extremely harmful crime. Women in London must also able to access vital help when they need it, whether it’s emergency accommodation or long-term counselling to recover from rape, domestic violence and other forms of abuse. We’re glad the Mayor recognises this and we look forward to seeing it reflected in his spending decisions.
“It is important that the plan commits the Mayor and his team to continuing work to tackle harassment and abuse on London’s transport system, an important part of preventing and responding to harassment and abuse.
“London could be a world leader in preventing violence against women and girls. This starts with leadership, so we urge the Mayor take a public stand on abuse of women and girls wherever possible.”
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