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Date Published
July 02, 2018

EVAW submission to Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry on domestic violence.

The Home Affairs Select Committee, a cross-party group of MPs who examine Government plans and policies on matters related to crime and domestic affairs, is holding an inquiry to examine law and policy on domestic violence in the run up to the Government bringing to Parliament the Bill it has promised on domestic violence.

The deadline for submissions to this Home Affairs Select Committee inquiry on domestic violence is Thursday 5 July. The ‘terms of reference’ for the inquiry are here – submissions should try to answer the key questions laid out and be no longer than 3,000 words.

The Committee includes MPs from all political parties and is trying to look at where the law fails, where policy and practice fails and what really needs to be done to end and prevent abuse.

If you work in this field, if you have specialist knowledge or if you have experience of these issues and want your voice to be heard, please do use our submission to help you think about what you want to say if that is helpful. Your submission can be as long or as short as you choose and in a style you choose. We have made key points in our submission about:

  • the need for support and advocacy for survivors as well as new criminal justice options
  • the urgent need to end the ‘hostile environment’ facing migrant women who are subjected to abuse
  • a call for the new Commissioner in this area to have a Violence Against Women & Girls remit.

EVAW also consulted with our members and earlier this year made a detailed submission to the Government’s consultation on the proposed Bill. Read that much longer document here.

Date Published
July 02, 2018
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